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Around El Gouna 0093
Around El Gouna 0093


Gathering & Start


The Egyptian Rally Cup

Beginn: Freitag, 5. März 2010 um 00:00
Ende: Sonntag, 7. März 2010 um 00:00
Ort: El Gouna

The Egyptian Federation for Motor Sports has chosen El Gouna to host their annual Egypt Rally Cup, the
first of 4 major races! El Gouna is also the main sponsor of Egypt’s number one rally racing team, Rally
Raid Egypt, so watch out for 3 El Gouna branded cars.

PROGRAM Saturday 6 March:

•8:00 Photoshoot in front of the El Gouna Main Entrance Gate.
•8:30 The first race will start in the desert opposite to El Gouna at , and will end in a desert camp where
everybody is going to spend the night.

 Hits: 3651 Gefunden: 70 Bild(er) auf 5 Seite(n). Angezeigt: Bild 1 bis 15.



Egyptian Rally Cup 0142
Egyptian Rally Cup 0142 (El Gouna - Red Sea)
Gathering & Start

Egyptian Rally Cup 0140
Egyptian Rally Cup 0140 (El Gouna - Red Sea)
Gathering & Start

Egyptian Rally Cup 0138
Egyptian Rally Cup 0138 (El Gouna - Red Sea)
Gathering & Start

Egyptian Rally Cup 0137
Egyptian Rally Cup 0137 (El Gouna - Red Sea)
Gathering & Start

Egyptian Rally Cup 0136
Egyptian Rally Cup 0136 (El Gouna - Red Sea)
Gathering & Start

Egyptian Rally Cup 0135
Egyptian Rally Cup 0135 (El Gouna - Red Sea)
Gathering & Start

Egyptian Rally Cup 0132
Egyptian Rally Cup 0132 (El Gouna - Red Sea)
Gathering & Start

Egyptian Rally Cup 0131
Egyptian Rally Cup 0131 (El Gouna - Red Sea)
Gathering & Start

Egyptian Rally Cup 0130
Egyptian Rally Cup 0130 (El Gouna - Red Sea)
Gathering & Start

Egyptian Rally Cup 0129
Egyptian Rally Cup 0129 (El Gouna - Red Sea)
Gathering & Start

Egyptian Rally Cup 0128
Egyptian Rally Cup 0128 (El Gouna - Red Sea)
Gathering & Start

Egyptian Rally Cup 0127
Egyptian Rally Cup 0127 (El Gouna - Red Sea)
Gathering & Start

Egyptian Rally Cup 0126
Egyptian Rally Cup 0126 (El Gouna - Red Sea)
Gathering & Start

Egyptian Rally Cup 0125
Egyptian Rally Cup 0125 (El Gouna - Red Sea)
Gathering & Start

Egyptian Rally Cup 0124
Egyptian Rally Cup 0124 (El Gouna - Red Sea)
Gathering & Start

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